Friday, July 27, 2012

Give Unto the Lord

Money, money, makes the world go around. Seems the more you have the more you want and the more you need it. Right now, I need some money. I have a little bit in my pocket. The worldly thing to do is to hold on tight to the little bit but I have learned as a christian to give things away when I have a greater need. Sometimes you need to clear things out to make room for other things. A seed produces more seed. You sow one seed to get one plant of corn. Each plant might produces several ears of corn. On those several ears there are hundreds of seeds. All those seeds came from one seed. If you are faithful in a little, God will bless with more. It seems to me that I have been holding onto seeds instead of planting them. The more seeds you plant the bigger the harvest. The harvest sometimes comes in souls or other things. Just because you sow a financially doesn't mean you will get financial harvest but you will get a return of some kind. I had a friend tell me that she didn't believe in tithing and as a consequence, she was always broke and still is. 10% of your income is not a lot of money. It is only 10 cents on a dollar. It is not just the money you give but the attitude in which you give it. If you don't believe in tithing or don't want to do it then God doesn't want your money. You will not be blessed in your giving because you are not a cheerful giver. I always gave to Jesus in the past but now it seems harder to give. Maybe this dry season I am going through with money has to do with how I am treating God with my finances.

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Thank you for posting God bless.