Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hello Again!

        Hi fellow christians, family and friends.  I have missed writing to all of you. This not something I do just for attention. It is therapy. I deleted my other blog completely a long with the account so I had to create something new. One of my jobs in the body of Christ is to equip the saints. This blog is part testimony and part ministry. It is also a prayer request line and a place where people can come to see what it is like to be a real christian. I know that I am very flawed. I don't alway get it right. I struggle with sin like the next person. I am human. One thing I will try not to do is get in the flesh. Sometimes it is hard to control your temper when people say and do offensive things to you but the scriptures say that we are supposed to go to the person and try to deal with that first. It is easy to come one line and just vent but that is not the way Jesus would want us to be have. Keeping It Real sometimes means Keeping It Real Ignorant. I don't want to be ignorant, I want to be like Jesus. I want to Keep Jesus from now on.  I hope that all of you how get this post will enjoy it.